Monday, August 29, 2011

Top Ten Myths about ADHD

Here's a great link that was posted on facebook.
Check it out.

The only one that I will disagree with is that ADHD is underdiagnosed. I think it's just commonly misdiagnosed. Kids are diagnosed with ADHD who don't have it, but a lot of kids are being diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, and etc. I just think it comes down to a case where it's not the most easily understoond condition. I can agree that it's a hinderance in modern learning, but I still stand by my word that it's not a disorder. It's something we have to work through!

Enjoy the article!
Top Ten Myths about ADHD

1 comment:

  1. Since ADHD runs in the family I read the article. I don't usually read articles like that but I did this time. I have ADHD and I'm 63. Used to take a pill for it but I stopped because I don't like to take pills unless they are in the form of banana cream pie or bacon. I really like both. Bacon more so because you can make sandwiches out of bacon. I learned how to live with it although a child might have a problem doing that. I think a lot of my problems as a child could be attributed to ADHD. I also feel that I was not at all handicapped in school by it because I was really doing advanced work in reading, math, and science. Regular school bored me to tears so they let me go at my own pace.


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